
John Rouse leads the Pro Advisory business. He helps companies develop and implement strategies to accelerate growth and profitability.

Pro Advisory, LLC was founded in 2014 by John Rouse. Pro Advisory (PRO) headquartered in Lebanon, Ohio USA is a business coaching and consulting company dedicated to helping businesses develop and implement strategies to accelerate growth and profitability. PRO also facilitates peer advisory groups designed for business owners and presidents of small to mid sized organizations.

A lifetime resident of The United States, John has worked with individuals and organizations in North America, Europe, and Australia. He specializes in helping business leaders with their most important business development initiatives.

John has worked in both large and small organizations including small start-ups and Fortune 500 organizations.  His management roles included the titles of President, Executive Vice President, General Manager, Director of Business Development, Marketing Manager, and Sales Manager.

Although John had a very successful career as a business leader, he feels that his greatest accomplishments have come from his years of coaching and consulting with other business leaders. More detail about John’s business career can be found on his LinkedIn profile at www.linkedin.com/in/johnrouse/

John combines his decades of successful leadership experience to guide his business clients to reach new goals.  In a world dominated by technology, he enjoys providing a human connection for business leaders.

John Rouse

John has published several books including:

  • The PRO Guide to Business Building Strategies
  • The PRO Guide to Business Finance
  • The PRO Guide to Business Acceleration

Check out the PRO Collection under Resources to find out more about the books John has published.

John Rouse has been accredited by the Association of Accredited Small Business Coaches since 2013. AASBC is the premier international body for training and certification to small business consultants.

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